Saturday, August 11, 2012

In Pursuit of ArtCloth:
Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing Workshop
Two-Day Workshop @ ATASDA, Sydney

Tutor: Marie-Therese Wisniowski

This blogspot exhibits many of my students outputs from a variety of workshops. There are one, two and five day workshops as well as workshops that have a different focus. Nevertheless, it always surprises me how much I learn from my students and how enthusiastic they are to learn and so for your convenience, I have listed the workshop posts below.

Visual Communication and Design (The University of Newcastle Multi-Media Course).
The University of Newcastle (Newcastle and Ourimbah Campuses, NSW, Australia) 2008 to 2010.

In Pursuit of ArtCloth:Improvisational Screen Printing Workshop
The Australian Textile Arts & Surface Design Association Inc. Sydney, NSW.

One and Two Day Disperse Dye Workshops
Various Textile Groups (Australia) 2008 - 2011.

Five Day Workshop - In Pursuit of Complex Cloth
“Wrapt in Rocky” Textile Fibre Forum Conference (Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia) 29th June to 5th July 2008.

Five Day Workshop – In Pursuit of Complex Cloth
Orange Textile Fiber Forum (Orange, NSW, Australia) 19th to 25th April 2009.

5 Day Workshop – In Pursuit of Complex Cloth
Geelong Fiber Forum (Geelong, Victoria, Australia) 27th September to 3rd October 2009.

Two Day Workshop - Deconstructed and Polychromatic Screen Printing
Beautiful Silks (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) 20th to 21st March 2010.

Five Day Workshop – Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing
“Wrapt in Rocky” Biennial Textile Forum/Conference Program (Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia) 25th June to 1st July 2010.

Two Day Workshop – Improvisational Screen Printing
ATASDA (Sydney, NSW, Australia) 28th to 29th August 2010.

Two Day Workshop – In Pursuit of Complex Cloth (Day One)
”Stitching and Beyond” Textile Group (Woodbridge, Tasmania, Australia) 2nd to 3rd October 2010.

Two Day Workshop – In Pursuit of Complex Cloth (Day Two)
”Stitching and Beyond” Textile Group (Woodbridge, Tasmania, Australia) 2nd to 3rd October 2010.

Advance Silk Screen Printing
Redcliffe City Art Gallery Redcliffe, Queensland, Australia) 10th April 2011.

One Day Workshop - In Pursuit of Complex Cloth
The Victorian Feltmakers Inc. (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) 14th May 2011.

One Day Workshop - In Pursuit of Complex Cloth (Felted and Silk Fibers)
Victorian Feltmakers Inc (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) 15th May 2011.

Five Day Workshop – Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing
SDA (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) 13th to 17th June 2011.

Five Day Disperse Dye Master Class – Barbara Scott
Art Quill Studio (Arcadia Vale, NSW, Australia) 15th to 19th August 2011.

Five Day Workshop – Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing
Fiber Arts Australia (Sydney, NSW, Australia) 26th September to 1st October 2011.

One Day Workshop – Improvisational Screen Printing
Newcastle Printmakers Workshop Inc. (Newcastle, NSW, Australia) 5th November 2011.

One Day Workshops – Low Relief Screen Printing
Various classes within Australia.

Two Day Workshop – Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing
ATASDA (Sydney, NSW, Australia) 23rd to 24th June 2012.

MSDS Demonstration at Zijdelings
(Tilburg, The Netherlands) October, 2012.

Five Day Workshop - Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing
Fibre Arts@Ballarat (Ballarat, Victoria, Australia) 6th to 12th April 2013.

Two Day Workshop - Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing
EFTAG (Tuross Head, NSW, Australia) 13th to 14th April 2013.

Two Day Workshop - Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing
Zijdelings Studio (Tilburg, The Netherlands) 9th to 10th October 2014.

PCA - Celebrating 50 Years in 2016
Art Quill Studio 2016 Workshop Program (Newcastle, Australia).

Image Dreamings: Basic Silk Screen Printing Workshop - Part I
2016 Art Quill Studio Workshop Program (Newcastle, Australia).

Image Dreamings: Basic Silk Screen Printing Workshop - Part II
2016 Art Quill Studio Workshop Program (Newcastle, Australia).

In Pursuit of: Improvisational Screen Printing Workshop
2016 Art Quill Studio Workshop Program (Newcastle, Australia).

In Pursuit of: Low Relief Screen Printing (LRSP) Workshop 2016
2016 Art Quill Studio Workshop Program (Newcastle, Australia).

Art Quill Studio 2017 Workshop Program
2017 Art Quill Studio Workshop Program (Newcastle, Australia).

In Pursuit of: Low Relief Screen Printing (LRSP)
2017 Art Quill Studio Workshop Program (Newcastle, Australia).

In Pursuit of Complex Cloth: Layered Printing Approaches
2017 Art Quill Studio Workshop Program (Newcastle, Australia).

Melding Experiences: New Landscapes Using Disperse Dyes and Transfer Printing.
2019 Art Quill Studio Workshop (NCEATA, Newcastle, Australia).

In Pursuit of ArtCloth: Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing Workshop
2022 Two Day Workshop (ATASDA, Sydney, NSW, Australia).

Over the last decade and more, I have been experimenting with hand-printing techniques using disperse dyes on synthetic/polyester fabrics. These experiments have led to one of my new signature techniques that I have developed and which I have termed - MultiSperse Dye Sublimation (MSDS). I have been teaching my MSDS technique at international and national conferences/workshops, textile forums, to textile groups and in university courses.

Sublimation Printing
There are four distinct processes by which transfer printing can be achieved: melt-transfer; film-release transfer; semi-wet processes; sublimation printing.

What is commonly termed "transfer printing" in reality should be termed sublimation printing. Sublimation describes a process that goes from a solid state to a gas state without passing though a liquid state. Dry ice has this property.

In sublimation printing once the dye has been painted on a paper and is dry, the painted side of the paper is placed on top of the fabric surface that is to be dyed. Then heat is applied via an iron or a heat press (under pressure) to the back of the dry dyed paper. The dye vaporizes from the paper and infuses into the surface of the target fabric. The vapor dye reacts with the target fabric surface and adheres to it via dispersion forces (van der Waals forces) and hydrogen bonding. The heat of the iron serves a dual purpose: (a) it vaporizes the dye; (b) it assists the dye to infuse into the fabric surface and adhere to it.

MSDS Technique
The MSDS technique employs disperse dyes and involves hand-printing multiple resists and multiple overprinted layers employing numerous color plates and low relief plant materials. The completed works are rich in color, light, shade, contrast, movement and depth. The multiple layers also imbue a painterly aesthetic and textural, three-dimensional quality to the finished ArtCloth works. Each print is unique and cannot be replicated.

Workshop Synopsis
This workshop was organized by the Australian Textile Arts & Surface Design Association Inc. (ATASDA) Sydney, NSW Branch. It was held at the Epping Creative Centre, Dence Park on 23rd - 24th June 2012.

My thanks to Claire Brach (ATASDA, NSW Workshop Co-ordinator), Jane Bodnaruk, (ATASDA, NSW Workshop Bookings Officer) and Lesley Grigg (ATASDA, NSW Treasurer) for their outstanding organizational skills and professionalism in ensuring that the workshop would be a huge success. Thank you ladies!

This two-day workshop was an introduction to the dye sublimation process (transfer printing) and melded participants experiences as valuable resources to create new artistic landscapes using disperse dyes.

Participants created their own custom dyed fabric using disperse dyes via direct imaging, experimental and layering exercises. They applied painted, textured, printed imagery onto papers with disperse dyes and then transfer printed them to polyester and blended synthetic fabrics to create a suite of color and pattern studies via an iron or heat press. Participants were also introduced to the tutor’s signature MultiSperse Dye Sublimation (MSDS) technique featuring multiple layering and resists employing flora as “the thematic” experience. The MSDS works imbue richly colored, textural and vibrant 3-dimensional imaging to the cloth surface.

In summary, a fun and exciting workshop, where instruction and experimentation forged the potential of each participant.

With these new skills each participant can further enhance their MSDS artworks by adding collage, additional layering, applique, hand and machine embellishments etc. to create truly unique ArtCloth pieces.

All levels were welcome to this two-day workshop. To view other workshops employing disperse dyes on this blog site use - "SEARCH THIS BLOG" tool - employing keyword: disperse dye workshop (without quotes) or MSDS (without quotes).

Workshop Participants

Group photograph: From left to right: Cindy Cooper, Gillian Edwards, Pam Russell, Stella Vakirtzis, Pauline Richards-Cosgrove, Katrina Conaghan, Kelcie Bryant-Duguid, Gail MacDonald, Narelda Sheehan, Trisha Smith and Lindy Wilson.

Kelcie Bryant-Duguid
Technique: Batik style resist, texture and color study.

Kelcie Bryant-Duguid
Technique: Design and color study employing layered imagery on a multi-wash background.

Kelcie Bryant-Duguid
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora.

Katrina Conaghan
Technique: Texture, overprinting and color wash study.

Katrina Conaghan
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 1.

Katrina Conaghan
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 2.

Cindy Cooper
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 1.

Cindy Cooper
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 2.

Cindy Cooper
Technique: Design and color study employing layered imagery on a multi-wash background.

Gillian Edwards
Technique: Stencil resist, layering and color study.

Gillian Edwards
Technique: Design and color study employing layered imagery on a multi-wash background.

Gillian Edwards
Technique: Multi-color wash technique employing dyed flora.

Gail MacDonald
Technique: Batik style resist, texture and color study – version 1.

Gail MacDonald
Technique: Batik style resist, texture and color study – version 2.

Gail MacDonald
Technique: Design and color study employing layered imagery on a multi-wash background and reverse print technique.

Pauline Richards-Cosgrove
Technique: Texture, overprinting and color wash study.

Pauline Richards-Cosgrove
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora.

Pauline Richards-Cosgrove
Technique: Design and color study employing layered imagery on a multi-wash background.

Pam Russell
Technique: Batik style resist, texture and color study.

Pam Russell
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora.

Pam Russell
Technique: Design and color study employing layered imagery on a multi-wash background.

Narelda Sheehan
Technique: Design and color study employing layered imagery on a multi-wash background.

Narelda Sheehan
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 1.

Narelda Sheehan
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 2.

Trisha Smith
Technique: Design and color study employing layered imagery on a multi-wash background.

Trisha Smith
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora.

Trisha Smith
Technique: Color wash employing dyed flora.

Stella Vakirtzis
Technique: Stencil resist, layering and color study.

Stella Vakirtzis
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 1.

\Stella Vakirtzis
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 2.

Lindy Wilson
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 1.

Lindy Wilson
Technique: MSDS technique employing flora - version 2.

Lindy Wilson
Technique: Stencil resist, layering and color study.


  1. Everyone's art looks fantastic. Thanks Marie-Therese, Lindy

  2. Hi Marie-Therese. Thanks for a wonderful workshop and for posting our pieces on your blog. Hope to do some more inspiring work soon. Thanks once again. Cindy
