Saturday, May 15, 2021

Tapestries from the USA
Art Essay

Marie-Therese Wisniowski

For your convenience I have listed below other posts on tapestries:
The Australian Tapestry Workshop
The Australian Tapestry Workshop (1976 – 1985)
The Australian Tapestry Workshop (1986 – 1995)
The Australian Tapestry Workshop (1996 - 2004)
Tapestry Creations of the 1980s
Tapestries from the USA
Modern Australian Tapestries

Tapestries from the USA
America has a rich history in producing tapestries. Below are a few selections from American tapestry artists.

Creator and Title of Tapestry: Archie Brennan, Drawing Series XLIV:Study.
Materials and Techniques: Tapestry; cotton warp, raw silk, wool, and cotton weft.
Size: 22.25 x 11.25 inches.

Creator and Title of Tapestry: Aase Vaslow, This is Not the Real Me.
Materials and Techniques: Beaded tapestry; loom woven mounted; linen, seed beads.
Size: 7 x 5 inches.
Photo Courtesy: Mignon Naegeli.

Creator and Title of Tapestry: Priscilla Lynch, Proof of Identity.
Materials and Techniques: Gobelin tapestry; cotton warp, wool weft.
Size: 25 x 25 inches.
Comment[1]: After my wallet and all of my identification were stolen, I started thinking of how we prove our identity - photo, fingerprint, numbers, DNA profile - none of which tell anyone who we really are.

Creator and Title of Tapestry: Teresa Graham Salt, Middle-Age Panic.
Materials and Techniques: Tapestry; silk buttonhole-twist thread.
Size: 8 x 6 inches.

Creator and Title of Tapestry: Kathy Spoering, Croquet Coquette.
Materials and Techniques: Tapestry; wool weft on cotton warp.
Size: 53 x 36 inches.

Creator and Title of Tapestry: Janita Loder, You're in the Army Now!
Materials and Techniques: Tapestry, painted, hand dyed; wool weft, cotton warp, fabric paint and dye.
Size: 15 x 15 inches.
Comment[1]: The inspiration for this piece was a family photo and memories of my children when they were young.
Creator and Title of Tapestry: Tori S. Kleinert, Terroristic Semblance: Destruction of the Fold.
Materials and Techniques: Small format tapestry; linen, cotton.
Size: 9 x 10 inches.
Photo Courtesy: J.M. Kleinert.

Creator and Title of Tapestry: Sarah Swett, Escape Literature.
Materials and Techniques: Flat tapestry, two-sided weft-faced plain weave; wool warp, wool weft, natural dyes.
Size: 48 x 36 inches.
Photo Courtesy: Mark laMoreaux.

Creator and Title of Tapestry: Shelley Socolofsky, Well of Surrender.
Materials and Techniques: Gobelin tapestry; wool, silk, cotton.
Size: 84 x 60 inches.
Photo Courtesy: Ken Altman.

[1] Fibrearts Design - Book 7, Editor S.M. Kieffer, Larks Books, New York (2004).

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