Saturday, August 21, 2021

Urban Explorers Series
ArtCloth Prints
Marie-Therese Wisniowski

Over the years my research has demanded new and innovative ways of creating imagery to encapsulate and inform my concepts. I have been working on a new series of small prints based on my continuing concern about the effects of anthropogenic climate change on the species on our planet. This series explores the environmental effects on butterflies as habitat disappears.

Artist Statement
The ‘Urban Explorer’ series of prints explores the effects of anthropogenic climate change on butterfly species. The earliest record of butterflies dates back to 56 million years, to the Paleocene epoch. Butterflies are distributed worldwide, with an estimated 18,500 species discovered to date. Data gathered by Butterfly Conservation shows that butterflies are being strongly affected by climate change. The IPCC and recent Met Office reports conclude that there will be more extreme weather events in the future, with heavy rains and droughts becoming more frequent. This could have a devastating effect on butterflies and local extinction events will become more frequent [1] (for furthwer details go to -

Urban Explorers Series

Urban Explorer I
Title: Urban Explorer I.
Technique and Media: Improvisational, low relief and traditional silk screen prints employing wax crayons, textured items, dyes, transparent and opaque pigment on cotton.
Size: 21 cm (wide) x 24 cm (high).

Urban Explorers II
Title: Urban Explorers II.
Technique and Media: Improvisational, low relief and traditional silk screen prints employing wax crayons, textured items, dyes, transparent and opaque pigment on cotton.
Size: 18 cm (wide) x 24 cm (high).

Urban Explorer III
Title: Urban Explorer III.
Technique and Media: Deconstructed and traditional silk screen prints employing dyes and opaque pigment on cotton.
Size: 21 cm (wide) x 24 cm (high).

Urban Explorers IV
Title: Urban Explorers IV.
Technique and Media: Deconstructed and traditional silk screen prints employing dyes and opaque pigment on cotton.
Size: 21 cm (wide) x 24 cm (high).

Urban Explorers V
Title: Urban Explorers V.
Technique and Media: Deconstructed and traditional silk screen prints employing dyes and opaque pigment on cotton.
Size: 21 cm (wide) x 24 cm (high).

Urban Explorers VI – A Memory
Title: Urban Explorers VI – A Memory.
Technique and Media: Improvisational, low relief and traditional silk screen prints employing wax crayons, textured items, dyes, transparent and opaque pigment on cotton.
Size: 24 cm (wide) x 18 cm (high).

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