Saturday, September 10, 2022

'Vine Glow - Series 3’
Digitally Designed Fine-Art Prints on Paper

Marie-Therese Wisniowski

For your convenience I have listed below other posts featuring my prints on paper that has featured on this blogspot:
Made to Order
Unique State (Partners in Print)
Veiled Curtains
A Letter to a Friend
Beyond the Fear of Freedom
Travelling Solander Project
Star Series
Cry for the Wilderness
Federation on Hold – Call Waiting
Wish You Were Where?
The Four Seasons
The Creation of Hurricane Katrina – The Disruptor
The Creation of ‘Whose Place? My Place, Your Space’
The ‘Vine Glow’ Series
Vine Glow - Series 2
Vine Glow - Series 3
‘Whose Church?’
‘A Journey Ends . . . Another Nightmare Begins’

'Vine Glow - Series 3’

The interaction between man and the environment is of growing concern as the human population is accelerating towards 9 billion people.

Our existential need for food, clothing, shelter, minerals, energy and transport has placed enormous pressure on the biosphere vwith respect to de-forestation and de-habitation on a grand scale, thereby destroying the natural carbon sinks (such as flora) and at the same time, creating greenhouse gas sources (e.g. carbon dioxide), causing an unprecedented anthropogenic change of the Earth’s atmosphere. The philosophy underlying my ‘Environmental Art’ strives to enlist the viewer’s support for sustainability.

The works on paper in this blog post, ‘Vine Glow - Series 3’, rest on the premise that native plant species are fragile in our modern world and are a threatened biological resource.

Background Notes
I have been designing and creating imagery for my hand printed works on paper using a range of traditional, improvisational and signature printing techniques for over three decades. Examples of these techniques include collographs, etchings, stamping, stencilling, mono printing, traditional screen printing, improvisational screen printing and my own signature screen printing techniques, which I termed, matrix formatting, multiplexing and low relief screen printing. In addition to these techniques, I have been experimenting with hand printing techniques using disperse dyes on synthetic/polyester fabrics for over two decades. These experiments have led to one of my signature techniques that I have developed and termed - MultiSperse Dye Sublimation (MSDS). The MSDS technique employs disperse dyes and involves hand printing multiple resists and multiple overprinted layers employing numerous color plates and low relief plant materials. The completed works are rich in color, light, shade, contrast, movement and depth. The multiple layers also imbue a painterly aesthetic and textural, three-dimensional quality to the finished ArtCloth works. Each print is unique and cannot be replicated.

As a professional senior graphic designer/illustrator in my previous career, I have always had an interest in creating imagery, prints, illustrations, posters and publications using digital processes. This interest has led me to some fascinating explorations in the field of digitally created works on paper and textiles. This post focuses on my new digitally designed prints on paper series, namely my, ‘Vine Glow - Series 3.’

‘Vine Glow - Series 3’
The ‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ digitally designed prints on paper have been based on one of my personal and unique prints on cloth which employs my signature MultiSperse Dye Sublimation (MSDS) technique. The imagery was scanned, and digitally reworked in Photoshop to create a superb complimentary colorways suite by manipulating the matrix of pixels, which define the bit depth of the image, adding and subtracting colors, layers and marks with the intention of imposing my vision to create this third unique digital print series.

‘Vine Glow - Series 3' employs additional dimension and considerable textural qualities. By manipulating the pixels and creating bold individual color palettes, each print yields a three-dimensional quality. Unlike the first two series (see - ‘The ‘Vine Glow’ Series’ and, ‘Vine Glow - Series 2’), with this body of works, I aimed to create prints with a strong, extraordinarily ‘etched’ luminous aesthetic to the foreground imagery with the background imagery creating an ethereal, almost mystical memory of another time and place.

As with the first two series, ‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ contains depth and a luminous quality to the printed works encompassing the deeply rich, abstract vine shapes with vivid, saturated foreground hues.

These deconstructed, contemporary, botanically influenced images have been intentionally designed to give the illusion of an aesthetic ‘glow’ and portray another world view of our beautiful fragile flora.

There are four sets of prints in ‘Vine Glow - Series 3’, namely:
‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ I
‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ II
‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ III
‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ IV.

Each set consists of a limited edition of three signed prints throughout the series (e.g., 1/3, 2/3, 3/3).
Each printed image is 15.7 cm wide x 15.7 cm high and is printed on archival white inkjet paper stock measuring 21 cm wide x 30 cm high (i.e., A4 size).

Please email me at - Marie-Therese - for more information and/or if you are interested in purchasing any of the prints for yourself or for a friend!
I hope you enjoy my prints!

'Vine Glow - Series 3’

Vine Glow - Series 3 I
Title: ‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ I.
Technique: Digitally designed print.
Print size: 15.7 cm (wide) x 15.7 cm (high).
Paper Stock and Size: Archival white inkjet paper stock measuring 21 cm (wide) x 30 cm (high)- that is, A4 size.
Edition Numbers: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.

Vine Glow - Series 3 II
Title: ‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ II.
Technique: Digitally designed print.
Print size: 15.7 cm (wide) x 15.7 cm (high).
Paper Stock and Size: Archival white inkjet paper stock measuring 21 cm (wide) x 30 cm (high) - that is, A4 size.
Edition Numbers: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.

Vine Glow - Series 3 III
Title: ‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ III.
Technique: Digitally designed print.
Print size: 15.7 cm (wide) x 15.7 cm (high).
Paper Stock and Size: Archival white inkjet paper stock measuring 21 cm (wide) x 30 cm (high) - that is, A4 size.
Edition Numbers: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.

Vine Glow - Series 3 IV
Title: ‘Vine Glow - Series 3’ IV.
Technique: Digitally designed print.
Print size: 15.7 cm (wide) x 15.7 cm (high).
Paper Stock and Size: Archival white inkjet paper stock measuring 21 cm (wide) x 30 cm (high) - that is, A4 size.
Edition Numbers: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3.

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