Saturday, October 22, 2022

Age of Reason [1]
Wearable Art

Marie-Therese Wisniowski

Age of Reason [1]
Age of Reason is a UK print label with a playful punk twist. It prides itself on making beautiful natural fiber scarves from silk, cashmere and wool, which are available in some of the world's best boutiques. Audacious prints and beautiful fabrics define the work, which is inspired by the collision between designer Ali Mapletoft's African childhood and the streets of London.

Lollipop Queen
Lollipop Queen. (Digital print, 2014)

Ali marries her own sketchy drawing style with bold color combinations and textures inspired by her travel and personal history. A large dose of quintessentially British humor finishes off Ali's signature style.

Age of Reason
Age of Reason, No More Drama. (Digital print, 2014).

'I want Age of Reason to be the antidote to cute kitten and chintzy flowers on scarves,' says Ali. "My passion is to surprise and delight people by creating things that are more thoughtful, bolder, naughtier or more excited than expected. A scarf should never be boring, it should become part of your own style story and be a very special rare thing that can't be found everywhere.'

Age of Reason permanent collection classic scarves
Age of Reason permanent collection classic scarves. (Digital, 2014).

Age of Reason, Ship in a Storm
Age of Reason, Ship in a Storm. (Digital print, 2014).

Age of Reason, Swag Lime
Age of Reason, Swag Lime. (Digital print, 2014).

[1] M. Smith and A. Cook, People of Print, Thames & Hudson, London (2017).

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