Saturday, February 18, 2023

Ben Rider's Graphic Art [1]
Artist Profile

Marie-Therese Wisniowski

Introduction [1]
Ben Rider is a graphic designer, printmaker and an illustrator based in London, England. He is an enthusiastic image maker. He loves the energy and potential for experimentation of printmaking. A commercial illustrator and teacher, he dives into self-initiated projects when time allows.

Ben has a impressive resumé. His clients have included the Victorian and Albert Museum, University of Arts London, Brew Dog, O2 Ireland and Samsung. He produces work for independent magazines and studios in London and internationally.

Ben Rider
Ben Rider.

Ben's work can be characterized as punky, vibrant and bursting with energy. It is built up from a dense hybrid of drawings and collaged imagery, untilizing love for offsets, fades, drips and all those happy accidents and small imperfections found within printmaking and working with your hands. His signature is a calm chaos of experimentation, combining different processes, multiple layers, mixed media, even found material or household cleaning products, into a single print, favouring stylistic impression over precision and cleanliness. Ben works in conjunction with the print process, almost creating a collaboration with himself and the process. His prints are one of a kind (more often than not literally) and his work rate unstoppable.

Although vibrant and playful by nature, his work more often hides a more serious tone and content below the surface. His education background in Design for Graphic Communication at the London College of Communication taught him the value of research and the use of this as a basis to create work with content. For example, a female police officer holding a dildo may at first glance appear silly or offensive, but at a deeper level reveals themes of lust and objectification of others for personal gain. This subtext of varying content is central to both his commercial and his personal work.

Ben loves the gratifying nature of print and what it can add to an illustration. The sense of physically making something with your hands has an honesty, giving work a certain soul and character, and to him this acts as a middle finger to the increasingly homogenized and slick corporate world sold to us.

Ben Rider's Graphic Art [1]

Secret 7, Karmacoma
Secret 7" Karmacoma, digital (2014).

Hot Girls
Hot Girls, screen print (2013).

Sticker Pack (Part A)
Sticker Pack, screen print A (2014).

Sticker Pack (part B)
Sticker Pack, screen print B (2014).

Greed, screen print/collage (2013).

Lust, screen print/collage (2013).

Cyanotype Test 1
Cyanotype Test 1, cyanotype/screen print (2013).

Cyanotype Test2
Cyanotype Test 2, cyanotype/screen print (2013).

False Gods
False Gods, screen print (2014).

[1] M.Smith, People of Print, Thames & Hudson, London (2017).

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