Saturday, April 24, 2021

Art Quilts from the USA
Art Essay

Marie-Therese Wisniowski

For your convenience I have listed below previous posts in this series:
Art Quilts - Part I
Art Quilts - Part II
Art Quilts - Part III
Art Quilts - Part IV
Art Quilts - Part V
Art Quilts - Part VI
Art Quilts - Part VII
Art Quilters of the Netherlands - Part I

Art Quilts from the USA [1]
Artist and Descriptor: Erika Carter, Nest VIII.
Techniques and Materials: Machine pieced, discharged, machine and hand quilted; cotton, cotton thread.
Size: 57 x 40 inches.
Comment[1]: The nest is a metaphor for home, an image that alludes to temporality, resilency, fragility and strength.

Artist and Descriptor: Bean Gilsdorf, Quija #1.
Techniques and Materials: Machine pieced, appliquéd, and quilted, hand dyed, painted, monoprinted; cotton, commercial cotton.
Size: 47 x 50 inches.
Comment[1]: This quilt is part of an ongoing series that I am using to explore issues of violence and loss.
Photograph courtsey of Dan Gilsdorf.

Artist and Descriptor: Jen Swearington, Good Humor.
Techniques and Materials: Pieced, appliquéd, drawn, painted, hand and machine embroidered, free-motion machine quilted; sheets, houshold fabric, gesso, shellac, grease pencil, ribbon, thread, monofilament.
Size: 34 x 24 inches.

Artist and Descriptor: Judith Plotner, Caution.
Techniques and Materials: Machine pieced and appliquéd, photo transfer, hand quilted, machine embroidered; cotton.
Size: 26 x 18 inches.

Artist and Descriptor: Donna Radner, Floating World #1.
Techniques and Materials: Machine pieced and quilted, fused; cotton batik, variegated thread.
Size: 64 x 56 inches.
Photograph courtsey of Mark Gulezian.

Artist and Descriptor: Phyllis Harper Loney, Landscape on a Young Planet.
Techniques and Materials: Dye painted, machine quilted; fiber-reactive dye, sodium alginate, silk habotai, silk noil, batting.
Size: 39 x 26 inches.
Comment[1]: The layer patterns speak to me of the turbulent beauty of the millions of years of the creation of this world.
Photograph courtsey of Denis Griggs.

Artist and Descriptor: Barbara D. Cohen, Cityscape.
Techniques and Materials: Dyed, discharged, machine pieced, appliquéd, embroidered, quilted; cotton, cotton velveteen, cotton and rayon thread.
Size: 54 x 26 inches.
Photograph courtsey of Marcia Ward.

Artist and Descriptor: Jeanne Williamson, Orange Construction Fence #6.
Techniques and Materials: Monoprinted, hand stamped, machine appliquéd and quilted; cotton, fabric paint, thread, batting.
Size: 40 x 30.5 inches.
Photograph courtsey of David Caras.

Artist and Descriptor: Robin Schwalb, Strong Words.
Techniques and Materials: Stenciled, piece, appliquéd, quilted; cotton.
Size: 36 x 36 inches.
Photograph courtsey of Karen Bell.

[1] Ed S. M. Kieffer, Fibre Arts Design Book 7, Lark Books, New York (2004).

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