Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nothing Is The Same I & II
(Exhibition - ArtCloth: Engaging New Visions)

Els van Baarle (The Netherlands)

This blogspot contains posts of artworks that have featured in my curated international exhibition - ArtCloth: Engaging New Visions. For your convenience I have listed these posts below.
ArtCloth: Engaging New Visions (Marie-Therese Wisniowski - Curator's Talk)
Sequestration of CO2 (Engaging New Visions) M-T. Wisniowski
Sacred Planet I (Engaging New Visions) J. Dunnewold
Under Pressure (Engaging New Visions) L.A. Beehler
lo Rising II & Giza (Engaging New Visions) R. Benson
Etruscan Relic (Engaging New Vision) J. Raffer Beck
Catch The Light 1 & 2 (Engaging New Visions) J. Schulze
Emerge (Engaging New Visions) J. Truckenbrod
Breathe Deeply (Engaging New Visions) C. Benn
Die Gedanken Sind Frei 3 & 4 (Engaging New Visions) C. Helmer
Black Birds I & II (Engaging New Visions) C. Holmes
Autumn Visions I & II (Engaging New Visions) J. Petruskeviciene
Razing/Raising Walls, Warsaw (Engaging New Visions) N. Starszakowna
Quite Alone Oasis… (Engaging New Visions) J. Urbiene
Discharge Thundercloud (Engaging New Visions) K. Kagajo
Shroud Of Ancient Echoes I & II (Engaging New Visions) S. Fell-McLean
Cane Toad Narrative (Engaging New Visions) H. Lancaster
Visionary and Eclipse (Engaging New Vision) J. Ryder
Untitled ArtWorks (Engaging New Vision) Tjariya (Nungalka) Stanley and Tjunkaya Tapaya
Treescape (Engaging New Vision) A. Trevillian

For your interest, I have listed below, other posts on this blogspot that centers on the use of Batik to create artworks:
Nothing Is The Same I & II (Els van Baarle, The Netherlands)
Batik ArtCloth from South-East Asia
Batiks from Kintore
Batiks From Warlpiri
Historical Israeli Batik ArtWorks
A Brief History of Batik

The European contribution to - ArtCloth: Engaging New Visions will be continued to be featured on a weekly basis.

The catalog of the exhibition is far more detailed in terms of opening addresses and artist’s biographies, curriculum vitae and statements etc. and moreover, is a holistic record of the exhibition itself.

Els van Baarle Website

Synopsis of Artwork: Nothing Is The Same I & II
My inspiration is based on antiquity and ancient times. Remains of structures ravaged by wind and weather offer compelling observations.

On the surface of the cloth we discern subtle colors and textures. This correlates to my technique of layering wax and dyes, paper and threads. Just like an old wall reveals a treasure of details when observed up close, so does my cloth. What at a first glance appears to be one color, becomes a layer of nances when studied in detail.

Batik, dyed, silkscreened, discharchged, stitched on cotton velvet.
Size: 60 cm (width) x 350 cm (length) each artwork.

(a) Els van Baarle Delivering An Address at the Exhibition at Fairfield.

(b) Nothing is the Same I & II (Els van Baarle), right artwork.
Fairfield City Museum and Gallery, NSW, Australia (left artwork by Jurate Urbiene - see earlier post).
Photograph courtesy Cedric Boudjema, Director, Fairfield City Museum and Gallery.

(c) Nothing is the Same I & II (Els van Baarle), left artwork.
Orange Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia (right artwork by Jurate Urbiene- see earlier post).
Photograph courtesy Marie-Therese Wisniowski.

(d) Nothing is the Same I & II (Els van Baarle), left artwork.
Redcliffe City Art Gallery, Queensland, Australia (right artwork by Jurate Urbiene- see earlier post).
Photograph courtesy Marie-Therese Wisniowski.

(e) Nothing is the Same I & II (Els van Baarle), left artwork.
Wangaratta Art Gallery, Victoria, Australia.
Photograph courtesy Marie-Therese Wisniowski.

(f) Nothing is the Same I & II (Els van Baarle) - full view.

(g) Nothing is the Same I & II (Els van Baarle) - detailed view.

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