Saturday, March 30, 2024

Everyday Wear (Winter, 2003) - Part I
Wearable Art

Marie-Therese Wsniowski

Everyday Wear (Winter, 2003) - Part I
Two decades ago 2003 featured such wonderful films as: 'Finding Nemo', 'Pirates of the Caribbean', and 'Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King.' Popular TV shows included: 'Everybody Loves Raymond,' and 'The West Wing,' both of which received top honors at the Emmy Awards.

In the Fall of 2003 fashion houses offered us the following collections.

Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney.

Louis Vuitton
Saint Laurent.

Luois Vuitton
Louis Vuitton.

Alexander McQueen
Alexander McQueen.



Dolce & Gabbana.



Julien MacDonald
Julien MaDonald.

In the fall of 2003 the fashion house copycats were hard at work trying to recreate these designs for the next season's market. So what were the home crafters shown what to make to excite their neighbours and their community at large? For that we need to turn to Belle Armoire Winter of 2003. For these gifted home dressmakers these were just some of their suggestions where they gave you a full suite of instructions to achieve your goal [1].

(a) Crazy Quilting.

Crazy Quilting

(b) A Victorian Jacket.

Victorian Jacket

(c) Jeannette Guetersloh's Every Day Wear.

Jeanette Guetersloh Jacket

Jeannette Guterdloh Jacket

Jeannette Guetersloh Jacket

Jeannette Guetersloh

Jeanette Guetersloh

[1] Belle Armoire. Winter Edition (2003).

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