Saturday, June 22, 2024

3A Crew [1] (Street Art)
Artists Profile
Marie-Therese Wisniowski

3A Crew [1]
Graffiti writer, Ges, decided to set up the USA-based 3A in 1995 after the motivation in his old crew lost momentum. He has been working with core member Kem 5 since 1997, and they had a clear artistic influence on each other, both have an abstract 'wildstyle' often creating uncomplicated fill-ins (areas inside the letters that are colored in) on a simple toned-down background. Totem 2, another important 3A figure, has given the crew a whole new flair with his innovative characters, which have been inspired by Japanese martial arts, robots and comic books.

'The international connexion of writers is one of the many aspects of the culture that seems to be exclusive to graffiti,' says Ges. 'Only in the grafitti world can you get off a plane in another continent and end up staying in a random person's home.'

Graffiti One
Graffiti One. Compare the wooden blocks. Which do you prefer?

Graffiti Two
Graffiti Two.

Graffiti Three
Graffiti Three.

Graffiti Four.

Graffiti Five
Graffiti Five.

Graffiti Six
Graffiti Six.

Graffiti SeventoNine
Graffiti Seven, Eight and Nine.

Graffiti Ten
Graffiti Ten.

Graffiti Elevan
Graffiti Eleven.

Graffiti Twelve
Graffiti Twelve.

Graffiti Thirteen
Graffiti Thirteen.

[1] N. Ganz, Ed. T. Manco, Griffiti World, "Street Art from Five Continents," N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 2004.

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