Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hannah Truran [1]
Artist Profile

Marie-Therese Wisniowski

For you convenience I have listed below other posts in this series which were sourced from the book - The Pattern Base[1]:
The Pattern Base by Kristi O'Meara - Book Review
The Art of Lorenzo Nanni
The Geometric Abstract Designs of Kristi O'Meara
Representational Designs of Kristi O'Meara
Geometric Patterns Designed by Patrick Morissey and Jasmin Elisa Guerrero
Fabric Swatches - Part I
Hannah Truran
Fabric Swatches - Part II
Fabric Swatches - Part III
Fabric Swatches - Part IV

Hannah Truran
Hannah Truran is a London-based textile designer/maker, who specialiizes in prints. Originally trained in illustration, Truran was drawn to textiles because of her desire to create a fantasy world. After several years of working on textile designs for interiors, she finally had the chance to explore this intensively, during her masters studies at the Royal College of Art in London.

Hannah Truran
Hannah Truran.

Her graduation collection 'Volstar' is a set of body pieces designed for a futuristic warrior huntress. Inspired by the ancient belief systems, geology and dystopian visions, she sought to evoke an other worldliness through textiles. Using a combination of precious surfaces. engineered prints and sculptural forms, she transposes her dreams into wearable textile artworks.

Truran Creation
A Truran Creation.

Detail of above garment.

Samplers of above garment.

Another Creation.

Another Creation.

Detail of Creation
Detail of above creation.

Another Creation.

Detail of a Creatiob
Detail of the above creation.

[1] The Pattern Base, Kristi O'Meara (Ed. A. Keiffer) Thames & Hudson (2015).

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